Nachi Cocom street SM 50 MZ85 Fraccionamiento San Jose Bonampak Cancun,MEXICO 77533
It is very important to have a complete medical and full mouth diagnosis. This is because the oral cavity is not an isolated entry from the rest of your body.
We have the collaboration of specialists in several dentistry branches such as Orthodontics, Endodontics, Pediatric Dentistry and a Maxillofacial Surgeon.
The expenses incurred by health and dental procedures are not always covered by Social Security (Medicare o Medic Aid) or private insurance companies. To avoid hurting your family economy, we focus on your priorities, "the most urgent" frontline.
However, on your medical and dental personal record, we write down every present condition on a detailed way, so that in the future, and according to your possibilities, they can be attended.
Nachi Cocom street SM 50 MZ85 Fraccionamiento San Jose Bonampak Cancun,MEXICO 77533
998.164.45.29 from Mexico.
001.52.998.164.45.29 from USA
By appointment: Zoom, Google Meet or FB Messenger.