Special promotions on Dental Treatments.

Prevention is always health synonym.

Because your smile is your cover letter

Not only for your oral health, but also for your gums benefit.
As discussed on the "Orthodontics" section, aligned teeth not only provide a pleasant smile; but also an accurate dental hygiene and avoiding gum and the surrounding supporting tissues disease.
Stay tuned, as we will be offering opening promotions in orthodontic treatments.

Because tartar is a very visible enemy.

Specially here in the Mexican Southeastern area, where it is well known that the hydraulic system water contains high mineral concentration, considering water as "hard" or "heavy".

Our teeth aren't the exception and also suffer from a higher accumulation of tartar. So in this region teeth cleaning is suggested to be carried out not every six months but every three or four.
We manage a preventive dentistry plan where the more often you come for your dental cleaning, the less expensive it will be for you.
If in a year you require four cleanings, you only pay three and the fourth would be free.
We stablish the treatment plan and promotion on your initial diagnose basis.

Restored and Aesthetic Teeth.

In the past, amalgam was successfully used as a restorative material. 
It is an excellent restorative material; however, pretty much anti esthetic.
It is always better to place white fillings on small decay teeth, because the more it's extended, the time that would last on your mouth would be compromised because of the material characteristics.
This promotion applies as follows:
Two small fillings for the price of a mayor extension one.
So if your have 6 little cavities, you would just pay for three!!
Call us to schedule your diagnosis appointment.

Attractive white.

As we discussed previously, water's high mineral concentration in the Mexican southeastern area can also affect the teeth color.
Therefore, the whitening maintenance plan is also modified according to your origin residence, either from Mexico or other countries.
The promotion we have is to carry out maintenance whitening sessions.
If you had your original procedure with us, subsequent maintenance appointments  will pay 50% off from the price list.
This promotion applies considering that didn't pass more than 5 months after the initial procedure.

First Level on Preventive Dentistry and tooth decay restoration.

A full Preventive and Restorative white filling Dentistry Program.
Integrity and healthy gums and supporting teeth tissue.
If you have any swollen or bleeding gums, we recommend the "Level Two Plan".

When your gum health is compromised

It will be necessary to implement a wider Preventive and deep dental cleaning to remove tartar that is below the gum line.

If you present teeth loss, advanced gum disease or deep tooth decay.

It is carried out a patients initial diagnosis and once your treatment plan is determined, we can handle financial package payment.


We offer a 50% discount on the current price list.
Valid on all treatments for your teeth sanitation before wearing braces.
Applies on teeth cleaning, fissure sealants, white fillings and inlays.

It is carried out an initial patient diagnosis and once your treatment plan is determined, we can handle financial plans.