Nachi Cocom street SM 50 MZ85 Fraccionamiento San Jose Bonampak Cancun,MEXICO 77533
Let us be part of this story you are just going to experience!
On a very personal point of view, we can advise you carry out your hair removal (by your elected and favorite method) at your place of origin, 4 to 5 days before your trip to the beach starts.
Waxing in Cancun is not recommended as a first option if you have outdoor activities scheduled or if you want to get tanned on the beach.
Exposing a recent shaved or waxed skin to direct sun or UV radiation (even wearing a high SPF sunscreen or sunblock lotion), can trigger out undesired dark spots or "freckles", as well as extreme sensitivity if you have a delicate skin.
Facials with extractions.
If at the end of your trip you've managed a nice tan, without a red appearance, a facial with extractions could be eligible.
However, if you choose this kind of service at the ending days or at the very end of your trip, it is very important that you bring a cap or a hat to protect your face from the sun on your way back to the hotel or to the airport.
Nachi Cocom street SM 50 MZ85 Fraccionamiento San Jose Bonampak Cancun,MEXICO 77533
998.164.45.29 from Mexico.
001.52.998.164.45.29 from USA
By appointment: Zoom, Google Meet or FB Messenger.